Objectives: Purpose of the program

Lesson 4/20 | Study Time: 15 Min
Objectives: Purpose of the program

The target group to which is addressed are young people (18-30) who need to acquire specific skills in the green sector to be able to work in it (as an entrepreneur or worker). It is a combination of experience coming from the business, educational, non-profit and public sector in order to design the best program that lead to opening new job places and new green entrepreneurs.

The unemployed young people with this Program can chance to find a job in the green sector and become one of new green entrepreneurs. The curricula of the program is adapted to the needs of the target group. One of the main characteristics is the usage of practical, innovative methods; a combination of theory and practice and acceleration pace.

The participants in this program will have a unique chance to be part of Genesis Startup Camp that will give a new direction of their carrier perspectives. What is more, the program is applicable in any other country and easily adaptable to their economic conditions, by strong cross-sector cooperation and building the capacities of the organizations included.

The main methods applied were Research, Open Educational Tools Project-Based Learning, and Games.

The Program deepens the following topics:

  1. Ecological Transition; 

  2. Circular economy as a development opportunity for companies and green jobs;

  3. Green Entrepreneurship (including how pitching an idea);

  4. Funding sources for green businesses at European level;

  5. Reality experience component - practical training - work on real projects project-based learning and solving real problems.

Each of these topics has been analyzed from a practical and theoretical point of view. For each topic there is a short introduction to the topic and a deepening of the key learning content. You can also find recommendations or suggestions for further reading and a final self-assessment quiz.

Each topic also has six reference case studies, a success story to draw inspiration from, from the 6 partner nations.

In order to learn the contents provided in a practical and interactive way, at the end of the program you will find suggestions on how to set up a Workshop with young people.