Green Corridors in Urban Landscapes, Case Study Nicosia Pedieos River

Lesson 4/38 | Study Time: 20 Min
Green Corridors in Urban Landscapes, Case Study Nicosia Pedieos River

Aim of Case Study

The aim of this case study is to recommend a feasible proposition by examining green territory zones, and reason green passages along the Pedieos River so as to improve the living condition of Nicosia city.

Case Study

The Pedieos River is the longest waterway in Northern Cyprus, with a length of 100 km. It is a seasonal river that only flows during the winter months or after heavy rainfall. It begins in the Troodos mountains at an elevation of 1400 m above sea level and flows towards Nicosia. It passes through the United Nations buffer zone, which has divided the island since 1974. The width of the riverbed varies between 5 and 20 m, depending on the local geomorphology. From 1980 to 2010, the Pedieos River basin received an average annual precipitation of between 320 mm downstream and 670 mm upstream. The river is dammed upstream, about 20 km outside of the city of Nicosia. Downstream from the dam, the river passes through several rural communities and wetlands. Within the urban area of Nicosia, the width of the riverbed varies. A park has recently been built along the banks of the Pedieos River in the urban area of Nicosia. Green spaces have been an important part of urban planning for the past century due to their effects on climate, hygiene, aesthetics, recreation, the environment, and biodiversity. Studies have shown that contact with green environments has positive effects on human health and well-being. Green corridors in cities can connect various green spaces and public parks and historical sites, and ecological corridors can prevent the negative effects of fragmentation on biodiversity. The loss or degradation of urban green space can negatively impact ecosystems and human health. Green corridors can increase species richness and support sustainable living within cities. The Nicosia Master Plan is a bi-communal comprehensive project that began in 1979. It aims to improve the infrastructure of the divided city and revitalize the historical core. It has implemented various urban design projects and proposed improvements to public spaces within the city, such as pedestrianizing commercial streets. The Pedieos River is closely linked to the history of Nicosia and has been impacted by urbanization, which has increased the risk of flooding. A comprehensive flood management plan is needed to address this issue and protect the city and its residents.

Key Take-Aways

  • Green corridor

  • Urban landscape 

  • Environment 

  • Sustainable

Learning Outcome

The proposed `green corridor` along the Pedieos River should be considered a new approach for a more sustainable living environment for Nicosia city. The proposed green corridor could help create better urban nature conservation, water management, and landscape quality initiatives within the region. In addition, to make this proposal a real project, regional and local authorities and stakeholders should be actively involved in establishing the “green corridor”.

Green Genesis E-Learning

Green Genesis E-Learning

Product Designer

Class Sessions

1- Workshop-Reality Experience 2- Green Corridors in Urban Landscapes, Case Study Nicosia Pedieos River 3- ‘Kafsimo’ project 4- Boranka /Paint it back: post-fire reforestation 5- PIN BIKE ( 6- The Monuments’ Ambulance / 7- MUSEO PUÇOL 8- Introduction & Theoritical Part 9- Research material 10- Summary & Recommendations 11- Uvod i teorijski dio 12- Istraživački materijal 13- Sažetak i preporuke 14- Radionica-Reality Iskustvo 15- Εισαγωγή και Θεωρητικό κομμάτι 16- Ερευνητικό υλικό 17- Σύνοψη και συστάσεις 18- Σχέδιο "Kafsimo" 19- Boranka /Paint it back: αναδάσωση μετά την πυρκαγιά 20- PIN BIKE 21- Ασθενοφόρο των Μνημείων / 22- MUSEO PUÇOL 23- Πράσινοι διάδρομοι σε αστικά τοπία, μελέτη περίπτωσης Ποταμός Πεδιός Λευκωσίας 24- Εργαστήριο - Πραγματική εμπειρία 25- projekt Kafsimo 26- Boranka /Paint it back: pošumljavanje nakon požara 27- PIN BICIKL 28- Ambulanta za spomenike 29- MUZEJ PUÇOL 30- Zeleni koridori u urbanim krajolicima, studija slučaja Nicosia Pedieos River 31- Introduzione e parte teorica 32- Materiale di ricerca 33- Sommario e Raccomandazioni 34- Laboratorio - Esperienza reale 35- Atelier - Experiență reală 36- Introducción y parte teórica 37- Material de investigación 38- Resumen y recomendaciones