Introduction & Theoritical Part

Lesson 9/38 | Study Time: 10 Min
Introduction & Theoritical Part

The main goals of this framework, is to provide some examples of how different initiatives managed to use real world problems to their advantage, and to provide value either from materials that are usually considered waste or by providing an infrastructure that solves a deeper problem for a huge number of people. Many theoretical resources can introduce a beginner to the green economy topic. But we would like to provide some examples that can be used as a practical approach to practice it. 

In this chapter, you will learn about two initiatives that use modest resources (paper, and wood) as the base for high-end, and luxury interior design creations. Both 7Lamps, and Moth have the same goal: to transform residues of low value into beautiful objects that can be used to improve a space. 

Another initiative presented is having a more systemic approach to a much bigger problem: how to bring value to the people living in remote villages in Romania through sustainable tourism. The answer provided is the infrastructure for a new walking path in Europe, inspired by other trails like Camino de Santiago or Appalachian Trail. This type of systemic approach to a much larger social issue through building a whole infrastructure from scratch is possible only through focusing the resources, and the support of a wide variety of partners from companies, organizations, private persons, and official institutions. It is not the easiest to implement, but it embeds a much deeper approach to what a green economy initiative should look like.

Green Genesis E-Learning

Green Genesis E-Learning

Product Designer

Class Sessions

1- Workshop-Reality Experience 2- Green Corridors in Urban Landscapes, Case Study Nicosia Pedieos River 3- ‘Kafsimo’ project 4- Boranka /Paint it back: post-fire reforestation 5- PIN BIKE ( 6- The Monuments’ Ambulance / 7- MUSEO PUÇOL 8- Introduction & Theoritical Part 9- Research material 10- Summary & Recommendations 11- Uvod i teorijski dio 12- Istraživački materijal 13- Sažetak i preporuke 14- Radionica-Reality Iskustvo 15- Εισαγωγή και Θεωρητικό κομμάτι 16- Ερευνητικό υλικό 17- Σύνοψη και συστάσεις 18- Σχέδιο "Kafsimo" 19- Boranka /Paint it back: αναδάσωση μετά την πυρκαγιά 20- PIN BIKE 21- Ασθενοφόρο των Μνημείων / 22- MUSEO PUÇOL 23- Πράσινοι διάδρομοι σε αστικά τοπία, μελέτη περίπτωσης Ποταμός Πεδιός Λευκωσίας 24- Εργαστήριο - Πραγματική εμπειρία 25- projekt Kafsimo 26- Boranka /Paint it back: pošumljavanje nakon požara 27- PIN BICIKL 28- Ambulanta za spomenike 29- MUZEJ PUÇOL 30- Zeleni koridori u urbanim krajolicima, studija slučaja Nicosia Pedieos River 31- Introduzione e parte teorica 32- Materiale di ricerca 33- Sommario e Raccomandazioni 34- Laboratorio - Esperienza reale 35- Atelier - Experiență reală 36- Introducción y parte teórica 37- Material de investigación 38- Resumen y recomendaciones