Institute of Ecological Agriculture DIO - Greece

Lesson 6/41 | Study Time: 20 Min
Institute of Ecological Agriculture DIO - Greece

Aim of Case Study

The aim of the DIO case study is to motivate young people to turn towards the agricultural sector, to promote ecological agriculture through research, education, and innovation, as well as the sustainable land management.

Case Study

The Institute of Ecological Agriculture DIO, is a non-profit character. They aim to scientifically support, and promote ecological agriculture in Greece through documentation, research, dissemination, and awareness-raising activities. The Institute has a wide field of activity that approaches issues of ecological agriculture from technical, and social aspects. The Institute will function as a reference point for stakeholders (agencies, individuals, producers, research centers, etc.). for ecological agriculture by offering consulting services, training, and knowledge to producers, and companies.

The action areas are

The concentration of scientific knowledge, and technological development produced, and created in the country, and abroad, and are related to ecological agriculture, and its adaptation to the data of the Greek agricultural practice. Data collection, and research on the problems that conventional agriculture creates in the environment, and humans.

The Institute will promote cooperation with civil society organizations in developing, and transition countries. Also, it will promote programs that aim to improve these countries’ social, and economic situations. Within the framework of these collaborations, they try to implement programs in emergency humanitarian, environmental protection, agricultural production, organic agriculture, and food safety.

Coordinating role:

The Institute is a reference point for stakeholders, and individuals, encouraging contacts, and collaborations between scientists, research centers, ecological networks, etc. The Company is non-profit, so no profit distribution is made to its members.

Key Take-Aways

The key benefits young people can benefit from within this case study example are:

  • The gathering of scientific knowledge regarding ecological agriculture

  • The getting to know the technical development in the field

  • The social aspect of ecological agriculture

  • The familiarization with alternative ecological agricultural methods

  • The access to a vast network of scientists, research centers, ecological networks, that DIO collaborates with

  • The participation in relevant programs, seminars, workshops, and meetings, lectures

  • The access in relevant bibliography, information resources

Learning Outcome

Young people will have a hands-on experience on the field of ecological agriculture, since the services that the DIO Institute provides combine both the development or enhancement of the theoretical, scientific, academic knowledge on the subject, as well as the real-time experience in workshops, and actual implementation of ecological methods in agriculture.

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Green Genesis E-Learning

Green Genesis E-Learning

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Class Sessions

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