Sustainable tourism - only way for sustainable islands development: Island Movement

Lesson 7/41 | Study Time: 20 Min
Sustainable tourism - only way for sustainable islands development: Island Movement

Aim of Case Study

In this part young people will discover how ecology transformation on islands can make a change toward sustainable tourism, and in that way bring benefit to environment protection, and climate change.

The Island Movement is a Croatian association representing inhabitants, and admirers of the Croatian islands who use their knowledge, experience, and passion to support, help, and promote the sustainable development of Croatian islands.

The Island Movement network is focused on creating
self-sufficient island communities which understand, and articulate their
needs, are informed about opportunities, and possibilities, and actively
participate in their community, and decision-making processes

Case Study

Croatia – country with 1000 islands“ was a promo sentence from the Croatian Tourist Office. Islands main financial income comes from tourism, and most islands are developed tourist places in contrast with parts, as they had stopped in time with beautiful nature, and „Robinsons“ tourism. But, along with the benefits of tourism, there are bad sides to it – primarily pollution, and the problem of mass tourism.

Pokret otoka (Island Movement) is a significant movement for islands. Employees, volunteers, and experts of the Island Movement association use the Island Movement platform to contribute to the sustainable development of islands by organizing educational programs, and providing logistical, and professional support to islanders, and island institutions. 

By facilitating networking, and creating support programs, the Island Movement association aims to create high-quality cooperation among island communities, and then connect them with best practices, and other island communities on the European level.

‘’The virtual, and physical platform is formed as a place for people who are eager for positive social changes.’’

Through the platform, and by cooperation with other associations, and individuals, the Island Movement association provides opportunities to acquire new knowledge, and skills, build self-confidence, and find like-minded people, and partners to support developing, and implementing project ideas in the local community. The island movement network offers possibilities, and tools for sustainable development, and transition towards a more responsible society.

The expert members of the Island Movement association act in the field of sustainable development, and financing, strategic planning, rural development, and sustainable energy transition. Thanks to their expertise, the association successfully operates on most of the Croatian inhabited islands. 

From its inception until today, the association has achieved exceptional results in environmental protection, education, and connecting the community with local governments, and decision-makers. The focus of further development is to continue with education, and encourage the island communities to actively engage in processes that directly affect their rights, and lives.

The Island Movement association is the official regional partner of the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat, and is recognized nationally, and internationally as one of Croatia’s leading organizations for island development.

Through the platform, and cooperation, they work towards a self-sufficient island community that understands, and articulates its needs, is informed about opportunities, and possibilities for progress, and actively participates in decision-making. With its employees, and volunteers, the Movement is a platform through which they want to contribute to the sustainable development of islands by organizing educational programs, and logistical, and professional support to islanders, and island institutions. Thanks to their expertise, they successfully operate on most inhabited Croatian islands. In previous years, they have achieved exceptional results in the field of environmental protection, education, and raising awareness of citizens about the functioning of local governments, and their active involvement in processes that directly affect the rights, and lives of islanders.

Key Take-Aways

  • nature protection 

  • sustainable tourism

  • ecological transition on islands

  • movement

  • civil activity

Learning Outcome

In this sector youngsters will gain knowledge of experience in movements that started as a group of people who wanted to make a better life for their island. From that step, they built a community recognized in Croatia, and internationally. Youngsters will be able to think about their ideas in the field of sustainability in the field of tourism, and responsible behavior in environmental protection, and climate change.

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Green Genesis E-Learning

Green Genesis E-Learning

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Class Sessions

1- Workshop-Ecological Transition 2- The Cyprus Buffer Zone as a Socio-Ecological Landscape 3- Vilawatt 4- Institute of Ecological Agriculture DIO - Greece 5- Sustainable tourism - only way for sustainable islands development: Island Movement 6- Borgo Peccioli – Belvedere SPA 7- Bio Builds - 8- Introduction & Theoritical Part 9- Research material 10- Summary & Recommendations 11- Istraživački materijal 12- Uvod i teorijski dio 13- Sažetak i preporuke 14- Ciparska tampon zona kao socio-ekološki krajolik 15- Institut za ekološku poljoprivredu DIO - Grčka 16- Borgo Peccioli – Belvedere SPA 17- Biogradnje 18- Održivi turizam - jedini put za održivi razvoj otoka: Pokret otoka 19- Vilawatt 20- Radionica-Ekološka tranzicija 21- Εισαγωγή και θεωρητικό κομμάτι 22- Ερευνητικό υλικό 23- Περίληψη και συστάσεις 24- Η κυπριακή νεκρή ζώνη ως κοινωνικο-οικολογικό τοπίο 25- Vilawatt 26- Ινστιτούτο Οικολογικής Γεωργίας DIO - Ελλάδα 27- Βιώσιμος τουρισμός - ο μόνος τρόπος για τη βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη των νησιών: Νησιωτικό Κίνημα 28- Borgo Peccioli – Belvedere SPA ( 29- Bio Builds 30- Εργαστήριο-Οικολογική Μετάβαση 31- Introduzione e parte teorica 32- Materiale di ricerca 33- Sommario e Raccomandazioni 34- Laboratorio sulla transizione ecologica 35- Introducere și partea teoretică 36- Material de cercetare 37- Rezumat și Recomandări 38- Atelier de Tranziție Ecologică 39- Introducción a la parte teórica 40- Material de investigación teniendo en cuenta el tema asignado y el grupo destinatario 41- Resumen y recomendaciones