Introduction & Theoritical Part

Lesson 9/41 | Study Time: 20 Min
Introduction & Theoritical Part

This topic’s main goal is to define the steps towards ecological transition. Also, to answer the question: of what an individual can do about it, and what jobs, and businesses are part of the ecological transition towards climate neutrality, and sustainable development.

Preservation of nature, renewable natural resources, water, forests, soil, and sea, is the basis of sustainable, and inclusive growth, food production security, and poverty reduction. Drinking water, clean air, and healthy terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems enable people in the EU to lead a healthy, and productive life, realize their potential, and contribute to society because, without a healthy ecosystem, this is not possible.

Europe is exposed to high risks from climate change. The consequences of extreme weather events, droughts, floods, rising sea levels, soil erosion, and air pollution point to reducing the risk of negative consequences caused by climate change, and increasing resistance to them. Sectors considered particularly sensitive to climate change are water management, agriculture, forestry, energy, and tourism, biodiversity, natural terrestrial, and marine ecosystems, coastal, and urban areas, and human health are also at risk.

Although greenhouse gas emissions are gradually decreasing, the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions in the economy is still high. In addition to traffic, energy production, waste disposal, and inefficient use of energy in the building sector are significant sources of greenhouse gases.

By fulfilling the goals of the transition to low-carbon development, environmental protection, and reducing the risk of climate change in a manner consistent with the implementation of the European Green Plan, it will contribute to achieving climate neutrality, and meeting the goals of sustainable development from the United Nations Sustainable Development Program 2030.

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Green Genesis E-Learning

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Class Sessions

1- Workshop-Ecological Transition 2- The Cyprus Buffer Zone as a Socio-Ecological Landscape 3- Vilawatt 4- Institute of Ecological Agriculture DIO - Greece 5- Sustainable tourism - only way for sustainable islands development: Island Movement 6- Borgo Peccioli – Belvedere SPA 7- Bio Builds - 8- Introduction & Theoritical Part 9- Research material 10- Summary & Recommendations 11- Istraživački materijal 12- Uvod i teorijski dio 13- Sažetak i preporuke 14- Ciparska tampon zona kao socio-ekološki krajolik 15- Institut za ekološku poljoprivredu DIO - Grčka 16- Borgo Peccioli – Belvedere SPA 17- Biogradnje 18- Održivi turizam - jedini put za održivi razvoj otoka: Pokret otoka 19- Vilawatt 20- Radionica-Ekološka tranzicija 21- Εισαγωγή και θεωρητικό κομμάτι 22- Ερευνητικό υλικό 23- Περίληψη και συστάσεις 24- Η κυπριακή νεκρή ζώνη ως κοινωνικο-οικολογικό τοπίο 25- Vilawatt 26- Ινστιτούτο Οικολογικής Γεωργίας DIO - Ελλάδα 27- Βιώσιμος τουρισμός - ο μόνος τρόπος για τη βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη των νησιών: Νησιωτικό Κίνημα 28- Borgo Peccioli – Belvedere SPA ( 29- Bio Builds 30- Εργαστήριο-Οικολογική Μετάβαση 31- Introduzione e parte teorica 32- Materiale di ricerca 33- Sommario e Raccomandazioni 34- Laboratorio sulla transizione ecologica 35- Introducere și partea teoretică 36- Material de cercetare 37- Rezumat și Recomandări 38- Atelier de Tranziție Ecologică 39- Introducción a la parte teórica 40- Material de investigación teniendo en cuenta el tema asignado y el grupo destinatario 41- Resumen y recomendaciones