Borgo Peccioli – Belvedere SPA

Lesson 8/41 | Study Time: 20 Min
Borgo Peccioli – Belvedere SPA

Aim of Case Study

The objective of this case study is to demonstrate that the ecological transition can become successful if carried out in harmony with the environment, landscape and local communities.

Case Study

Among the Pisan hills, in the iconic Tuscan landscape of historic villages, agricultural fields, woods, cypresses, there is a highly effective laboratory of environmental, economic, and social resilience. It is the village of Peccioli - "Orange Flag" TCI - where the themes of the circular economy, environmental sustainability, and renewable energy sources in harmony with local populations have been affirmed for about twenty years. The starting point? A landfill of municipal solid waste has been transformed from a critical issue into an opportunity, at the same time, for landscape, and economic regeneration.

Five thousand inhabitants, and a careful, and determined municipal administration have built together, since 1997, the so-called "Peccioli System", with the activation of an ad hoc company (the Belvedere Spa company) for the management of the landfill, and the related environmental recovery set up on reuse, and correct reorganization of available resources: not only waste (treated in disposal lots, purification plants, biomethane, and cogeneration), not only renewable sources (between photovoltaic, and wind) but also the landscape itself, remodeled between mitigation works, and land art up to the creation, on the site of the landfill, an arena for events, and shows, including sculptures, and colored frescoes (by Naturaliter, Staino, Tremlett). Thus reactivating, and enhancing ecosystem services, and related benefits (habitat, regulation, production, culture, well-being, safety).

Five thousand inhabitants, and a careful, and determined municipal administration have built together, since 1997, the so-called "Peccioli System", with the activation of an ad hoc company (the Belvedere Spa company) for the management of the landfill, and the related environmental recovery set up on reuse, and correct reorganization of available resources: not only waste (treated in disposal lots, purification plants, biomethane, and cogeneration), not only renewable sources (between photovoltaic, and wind) but also the landscape itself, remodeled between mitigation works, and land art up to the creation, on the site of the landfill, an amphitheater for events, and shows, including sculptures, and colored frescoes (by Naturaliter, Staino, Tremlett). Thus reactivating, and enhancing ecosystem services, and related benefits (habitat, regulation, production, culture, well-being, safety).

Peccioli's greatest masterpiece was created by a handicap, that is, from one of the most impressive landfills in Tuscany, transforming itself into a model of resilience, and sustainability. From the disposal, treatment, and recycling of waste, the country has succeeded in obtaining beauty, art, and culture, three of the founding pillars of our magazine. So much so that it is called "the Peccioli system", in which there are also two open-air theaters. The Green Triangle Amphitheater, and the Fonte Mazzola Amphitheater host cultural initiatives, shows, and events.

All this was possible thanks to the foresight of the town's mayor, Renzo Mascelloni, and his fellow citizens who, inspired by consolidated models of Nordic countries, created Belvedere Spa, a company with innovative management that uses cutting-edge technology. The company is 64% owned by the Municipality, while the remaining percentage is the prerogative of 900 small Pecciolese shareholders involved in the project. Their main objective is to "promote the development of the Municipality of Peccioli, its territory, and its economy".

The fact is that today, the landfill can recycle unsorted waste, and generate energy. It is a circular economy model, but not only, given that the plant also produces wealth. 4-5 million euros invested in sustainability, culture, art, and architecture, technological innovation, and welfare. It is the demonstration by the local administration that it is possible to address delicate issues by finding new solutions.

The project, in addition to limiting the plant’s environmental impact, served to redesign the Green Triangle area, a nicer way to define the large landfill. The Peccioliper Foundation was thus established, created precisely to enhance the territory, combining culture, and art with the economy.

In this perspective, two open-air theaters were built: the Fonte Mazzola Amphitheater, which owns the structure of the ancient Greek theater, and can accommodate up to two thousand people, and the Green Triangle Amphitheater, located inside the landfill, built with eco-friendly materials and, thanks to the most advanced bio-building techniques, with the utmost respect for the environment, home to concerts, and permanent art installations.

Key Take-Aways

  • Recovery

  • Innovation

  • Enhancement of sustainable resources

  • Cooperation between institutions and citizens

Learning Outcome

Through this case study, it is possible to recognize the advantages of the recovery, and innovation of the most forgotten areas of the cities. As we have been able to learn from the previous paragraphs, in Peccioli, they have practically transformed their landfill; in their strong point, in fact they produce renewable energy from the waste that arrives here, and even, thanks to the creation of an amphitheater, the landfill itself is a place of social congregation for the whole community that can enjoy in the middle of nature, events of any kind, such as concerts, exhibitions, theatrical performances etc.

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Green Genesis E-Learning

Green Genesis E-Learning

Product Designer

Class Sessions

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