ΚΕΒΕ & CIIM: To create a green entrepreneurship observatory

Lesson 3/41 | Study Time: 20 Min
ΚΕΒΕ & CIIM: To create a green entrepreneurship observatory

Case Study

The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce, and Industry (Keve), and the Cyprus International Institute of Management (CIIM) on Wednesday 16/02/2022 signed a Memorandum of Cooperation, seeking to deepen their partnership, promote sustainable entrepreneurship, and support local businesses.

The memorandum, which Keve president Christodoulos Angastiniotis signed, CIIM director, and dean Theodore Panayotou, entails the creation of an observatory tasked with leading the charge on business activities to the green economy. The two organizations said that the newly-formed observatory would provide timely information and updates, education, and technical training and help Cypriot companies prepare to face the challenges of transitioning to a model of sustainable development.

“Observing international trends for the modernization of economies and evaluating the comparative advantages of our country, we highlighted, in a timely, and convincing manner, the need to emphasize green growth and sustainability,” Angastiniotis said.

“The partnership between the CCCI, and CIIM will strengthen the skills of Cypriot companies for them to take advantage of the opportunities arising from the integration of sustainable development practices in their business strategy,” he added.

On his part, Panayotou said that this development strengthens the collective effort that Cyprus must undertake to move forward.

“This new era is based not only on digital technology, and innovation but also on sustainable development and the promotion of entrepreneurship that is in harmony with the environment and nature around us,” Panayotou said.

Key Take-Aways

  • co-operation

  • sustainable entrepreneurship

  • support local business

  • respect of the environment

Learning Outcome

Learners will learn the importance of Cooperation between important institutions to provide new sustainable entrepreneurship plans to support local companies, and digital innovation, in a way that does not affect the environment.

insert email / contacts

The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Keve)

Tel: +357 22889800

Fax: +357 22669048

Email: [email protected]

the Cyprus International Institute of Management (CIIM)

+357 22 462 246 (Nicosia)

 +357 25 878 782 (Limassol)

 77 77 24 46 (Main Operator)

 @General Enquiries

 @Email Admissions Office


Green Genesis E-Learning

Green Genesis E-Learning

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Class Sessions

1- Introduction & Theoritical Part 2- Workshop-Green Entrepreneurship 3- ΚΕΒΕ & CIIM: To create a green entrepreneurship observatory 4- PEPÍN FARM 5- Green Evolution SA - Greece 6- Production of electric cars: Rimac automobili- car manufacturer 7- Zua Drive In” (https://www.venetoeconomia.it/2021/09/lagri-drive-in-dei-fratelli-zuanon-premiato-con-loscar-green-di-coldiretti/) 8- “We Wilder” https://www.wewilder.com 9- Research material 10- Summary & Recommendations 11- Uvod i teorijski dio 12- Istraživački materija 13- Sažetak i preporuke 14- ΚΕΒΕ & CIIM: Stvoriti opservatorij zelenog poduzetništva 15- FARMA PEPÍNA 16- Green Evolution SA - Grčka 17- Proizvodnja električnih automobila: Rimac Automobil i- proizvođač automobila 18- “Zua Drive In” (https://www.venetoeconomia.it/2021/09/lagri-drive-in-dei-fratelli-zuanon-premiato-con-loscar-green-di-coldiretti/) 19- “We Wilder” https://www.wewilder.com 20- Radionica-Zeleno poduzetništvo 21- Εισαγωγή και θεωρητικό κομμάτι 22- Ερευνητικό υλικό 23- Σύνοψη και συστάσεις 24- ΚΕΒΕ & CIIM: Δημιουργία ενός παρατηρητηρίου πράσινης επιχειρηματικότητας 25- PEPÍN FARM 26- Green Evolution SA - Ελλάδα 27- Παραγωγή ηλεκτρικών αυτοκινήτων: Rimac automobili- κατασκευαστής αυτοκινήτων 28- "Zua Drive In" (https://www.venetoeconomia.it/2021/09/lagri-drive-in-dei-fratelli-zuanon-premiato-con-loscar-green-di-coldiretti/) 29- "We Wilder" https://www.wewilder.com 30- Εργαστήριο-Πράσινη επιχειρηματικότητα 31- Introduzione e parte teorica 32- Materiale di ricerca 33- Sommario e Raccomandazioni 34- Laboratori - Imprenditorialità verde 35- Introducere și partea teoretică 36- Material de cercetare 37- Rezumat și Recomandări 38- Ateliere de lucru - Antreprenoriat verde 39- Introducción a la parte teórica 40- Material de investigación 41- Resumen y recomendaciones