Zua Drive In” (https://www.venetoeconomia.it/2021/09/lagri-drive-in-dei-fratelli-zuanon-premiato-con-loscar-green-di-coldiretti/)

Lesson 7/41 | Study Time: 20 Min
Zua Drive In” (https://www.venetoeconomia.it/2021/09/lagri-drive-in-dei-fratelli-zuanon-premiato-con-loscar-green-di-coldiretti/)

Case Study

In the fields of the upper Padua area, the first agri fast food.

The idea of ​​Giovanni Zuanon who, after an interlude as a chef in the States, returns to Veneto, and transforms the family farmhouse into a burger shop.

It has been recognized as the priority among the Italian experiences that have best overcome the pandemic emergency with a prompt creative reaction and corporate reconversion.

The Antichi Sapori farmhouse has overcome the crisis with the latest generation idea: from producing milk and meat of the highest quality to making peasant snacks with its products. The activity is thus restarted with home deliveries, then the brilliant intuition of bringing customers to taste zero km specialties and craft beer in the countryside, in front of a film, in their car, and in the company of family, and friends without the risk of contagion. An “agri drive-in” that has met with enormous success.

The films projected on the barn wall entertained customers, and guests in the cabins of the cars for a first protected escape during the lock down, in the company of family, and friends without risk of contagion.

An “agri drive-in” that has met with enormous success and has seen its inventor conquer the national podium of the Young Coldiretti Oscar Green.

"Our Giovanni, and all the other young entrepreneurs are the best testimonials of agriculture that look to the future and is not discouraged by difficulties," said Massimo Bressan, president of Coldiretti Padua. "In times of a pandemic, they have been able to steer the helm of the company towards innovation, and sustainability, reinventing their work with home delivery, online sales, use of social media, the study of projects, and tenders to access new resources".

Key Take-Aways

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Learning Outcome

The interesting aspect of this case study is that with the crisis caused by the health emergency, the agricultural sector has become the vital point of reference for the new generations and that companies run by young people have also proved to be the most resilient.

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Green Genesis E-Learning

Green Genesis E-Learning

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Class Sessions

1- Introduction & Theoritical Part 2- Workshop-Green Entrepreneurship 3- ΚΕΒΕ & CIIM: To create a green entrepreneurship observatory 4- PEPÍN FARM 5- Green Evolution SA - Greece 6- Production of electric cars: Rimac automobili- car manufacturer 7- Zua Drive In” (https://www.venetoeconomia.it/2021/09/lagri-drive-in-dei-fratelli-zuanon-premiato-con-loscar-green-di-coldiretti/) 8- “We Wilder” https://www.wewilder.com 9- Research material 10- Summary & Recommendations 11- Uvod i teorijski dio 12- Istraživački materija 13- Sažetak i preporuke 14- ΚΕΒΕ & CIIM: Stvoriti opservatorij zelenog poduzetništva 15- FARMA PEPÍNA 16- Green Evolution SA - Grčka 17- Proizvodnja električnih automobila: Rimac Automobil i- proizvođač automobila 18- “Zua Drive In” (https://www.venetoeconomia.it/2021/09/lagri-drive-in-dei-fratelli-zuanon-premiato-con-loscar-green-di-coldiretti/) 19- “We Wilder” https://www.wewilder.com 20- Radionica-Zeleno poduzetništvo 21- Εισαγωγή και θεωρητικό κομμάτι 22- Ερευνητικό υλικό 23- Σύνοψη και συστάσεις 24- ΚΕΒΕ & CIIM: Δημιουργία ενός παρατηρητηρίου πράσινης επιχειρηματικότητας 25- PEPÍN FARM 26- Green Evolution SA - Ελλάδα 27- Παραγωγή ηλεκτρικών αυτοκινήτων: Rimac automobili- κατασκευαστής αυτοκινήτων 28- "Zua Drive In" (https://www.venetoeconomia.it/2021/09/lagri-drive-in-dei-fratelli-zuanon-premiato-con-loscar-green-di-coldiretti/) 29- "We Wilder" https://www.wewilder.com 30- Εργαστήριο-Πράσινη επιχειρηματικότητα 31- Introduzione e parte teorica 32- Materiale di ricerca 33- Sommario e Raccomandazioni 34- Laboratori - Imprenditorialità verde 35- Introducere și partea teoretică 36- Material de cercetare 37- Rezumat și Recomandări 38- Ateliere de lucru - Antreprenoriat verde 39- Introducción a la parte teórica 40- Material de investigación 41- Resumen y recomendaciones